Home » Smoke Room Exhaust Fan: Tips for Smoke Room Exhaust Fan

Smoke Room Exhaust Fan: Tips for Smoke Room Exhaust Fan

2021-09-28 hqt


Do you have or you want to build a man cave or a private space for yourself to enjoy your private time?  and you want to enjoy your private time here, smoke and drink the air, entertain your friends and family here, or do any other things. you will need a very good ventilation system especially a smoke ventilation system installed in this room including the Smoke room exhaust fan. When and how we will discuss in this article.

Smoke room exhaust fan

How to clean smoke?

When it comes to smoking in the house, you don’t want it to have any effect on your house and your family members. Always avoid smoking in an open area inside the room.

As there are more chances of smoke spreading throughout your home from that open area. The open area can be the staircase or corridor, where other rooms open, so it’s easy for smoke to spread in these other rooms. Have a dedicated room for smoking, this is a much better option. A small dedicated room for smoking can easily be closed compared to a larger area.

Some people might want to use an air purifier to purify the air from the smoke. This is not a bad idea really. However, why would you want to purify the air using an air purifier which can be quite expensive? Instead, it is much easier to install a Smoke room exhaust fan, vent, or extractor fan, which can easily extract the air out of the room.

Smoke room exhaust fans are not just much more affordable than air purifiers, but they are also much more efficient and can be used in long term.

Extractor fans are also great like the ones that you have installed in your kitchen or bathrooms. these are great and affordable compared to air purifiers. they are generally suited for smaller rooms.

Decide the room

First, you will need to decide the route through which you will ventilate. This will obviously be different for every room in your house as every room has a different location.

For instance, a room at the back of the house will have a different ventilation system compared to a room at the front of the house or a room in the basement of the house.

After you decide on the room that you are going to ventilate, you need to take into account the amount of construction required for installing the ventilation system.

Type of ventilation system

An exhaust fan

What type of ventilation system do you want to install in this room? Some people like to avoid any construction as it can be costly and messy, as well as more time-consuming. If that’s your case, then install the Smoke room exhaust fan along with the window.

Vents in the wall

Maybe opening the window is not enough for your room. Maybe you need something more to ventilate the smoke out of the room. In this case, installing vents on the walls is a much better idea.

As you may know that smoke and heat rise, it will be better to install the vents up high. This way the smoke will easily go out of the room from that vent.

Extractor Fan

An extractor fan is a much advanced and better option for ventilation. This will give you benefits with its great smoke extracting technology. If you are new to the idea of an extractor fan and you want to install it, then get someone professional's help.

This is because you will need to check if the required wires are present or not. However, you can also check it yourself with the help of the voltage detector.

Whatever you choose to install, keep in mind the route of ventilation and then mark your points where you will be installed the Device.

Some extra tips to smoke room exhaust fan

Some important tips to consider when you are installing a Smoke room exhaust fan or extractor fan,

You should install the exhaust fan in a corner room. The reason being, you will have to install the exhaust of the extractor fan on one of the walls, thus allowing easy suction of the air.

If you install it in a centrally located room, the fan would simply suck smoke from one room and transfer it to another one. There should be no room but open space, hands you need the room to be on the corner of the house.

Ensure that the exhaust fan that you install is much higher than the height of your window. This is because the smoke that is extracted out might get inside through that window. You obviously don't want that so install the exhaust fan should at a much higher height compared to the room window.

But installing and the Smoke room exhaust fan on the wall is not the only option you have. There are other options as well, like ceiling systems. This is where you install the event system in the ceiling or through the walls or with the help of window box fans.

Smoke room exhaust fans are a great option for extracting smoke from your rooms. This is because they require very little maintenance they are affordable and they lost you a long time. You don’t need to change filters like in an air purifier. once installed it's good to go. unlike air purifiers, exhaust fans do not take up the space in your room as well.

Smoking cigars

For 1-person smoking cigars in a room of 120 ft², a 250 CFM exhaust fan on the wall is a good option. For multiple people smoking cigars in the same room, you would need a stronger Smoke room exhaust fan, at least up to 500 CFM.