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How is a Roof Ventilator Protecting your Home

2021-09-04 hqt

Roof Ventilator Protecting your Home?

Most people are not aware of the importance of a perfect roof ventilator in their homes. However, proper ventilation is significant to keep a building comfortable. Generally, we need at least 1sqr ft. of bet for every 150sqr ft. of the attic space. All construction experts are aware of how critical ventilation is in a roof function and design. Ventilation plays a major role during winters and summers. If there is no proper ventilation, the home will become an uncomfortable place to live in. Therefore, it is important to know why proper ventilation is necessary before you start building your new home.

In this article, we will discuss how proper roof ventilation protects a home. We will also share some facts about the roof ventilation system. Therefore, this article contains useful information for you if you are planning to construct your new home.

roof ventilator

Why do Experts Suggest a Roof Ventilator for Buildings?

In simplest words, a proper roof ventilator helps you keep your attics dry during winters and cool during summers. It encourages the natural flow of air and circulation ensures a comfortable inside temperature. How does it work? It does this by guiding the hot, stale, or moist air outside the house. Therefore, roof ventilation is essential in both cold and hot climates. During winters, the warm air stuck in the attic in winters can quickly melt snow. After that, it refreezes like ice. Remember that Ice blocks in attics can be damaging to gutters and shingles. The hot air in the attic contributes to mildew and mold growth.

In a hot climate, an appropriately vented roof helps the hot air goes out of the roof and attic area that lowers the building’s overall temperature. As a result, it minimizes the load of cooling on ACs. The absence of proper ventilation in summers can cause premature failure of shingle roofs. Moreover, it will also void the material warranties of manufacturers. Apart from that, it may also cause roof underlayment failure of concrete tile and clay.

An appropriately installed and well-designed roof system along with reliable attic insulation helps in excellent moisture and temperature control. As a result, it protects the home from unwanted damage and assists in maintaining comfortable temperatures inside the home year-round. Therefore, a roof ventilator can help you make your home temperature comfortable and improves the lifespan of the structure as well.

How Does a Roof Ventilation System Works?

Roof ventilation works by allowing continuous airflow through the building’s attic space. It helps in removing moisture and overheated air from the roof system and attic and minimizes the effect of moisture conditions and changing temperature both outside and inside the home. Exhaust vents and intake vents are installed at different intervals at the roof area or attic that helps create air ventilation. We can use different vents types according to different locations to help the attic air goes through the right directions and amounts through the roof system.

Correct construction and design of roof ventilation hold the key importance. The design of the roof must offer sufficient air space according to the airflow and insulation below the eaves and roof. A perfectly designed roof system accurately balances the exhaust and intake ventilation below the roof. It makes the attic a little pressurized which ensures that the conditioned air does not suck out very quickly from the vents.

Types of Roof Vents

Roof vents are available in different types that we can choose for our roof ventilator project. The most common types include gable vents, ridge vents, and static vents. A static vent is a horizontal opening, usually holes covered by a vent in a roof. They allow the movement of the air to occur. A ridge vent goes alongside the roof’s peak. This roof vent type offers an outside baffle that enhances the flow of air while protecting the home from snow and rain. We insert gable vents at the attic’s end. We can use gable vents in combination with different types of vents.

Attic Ventilation and Insulation

A properly insulated home works together with a perfectly designed attic vent system to lower down the energy costs. Correctly installed and placed insulation prevents unwanted venting of cooled and heated air, keeping the home comfortable. Insulation keeps conditioned airflow in the living area where it has its place. On the other hand, the ventilation system circulated the air in the attic and ensures that it vents properly alongside excess heat and unnecessary moisture. Both play a vital role in keeping the home comfortable during both winters and summers.

How to Maintain a Roof Vent System?

Your job is not done after accurate installation of the roof vent system. After the installation, you should also do proper maintenance of the system to ensure longevity. It is important to inspect the roof vent system every couple of years. Look for any weather damages, like cracks, missing or broken tiles, and loose vents, etc. Find out if anything is blocking your vents, like debris and leaves. You should also take a look at the inside of your roof deck or attic for any damage due to moisture.

Do not forget to inspect the attic insulation and make sure that it’s in good shape. Remember that the attic insulation must be placed properly to keep your home well-insulated during all seasons. If you don’t perform regular and timely maintenance, it will reduce the life of your roof vent system.


A perfect roof ventilator project helps you make your home comfortable during winters and summers. It doesn’t only help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, but also helps in reducing energy costs in the long run. So, if you want to enjoy a comfortable indoor environment, year-round, then you must ensure proper ventilation and insulation in your home.

Different types of ventilation systems and insulation are available on the market. For a successful project, you must choose the right type according to your environment. For installation of the roof vent system, you must hire experienced and specialized professionals. If you do it in the right way, it will also improve the overall value of your home.

You can contact us by clicking here for further information on ventilation systems.